Christmas Caroling – Holy 3 Kings
Children dress like the "Holy 3 Kings" they go from house to house and collect money for the poor people of the world.
Ostern - Palmsonntag
Children go to church with palm bushes and let consecrate.
maypole Festival
On 1st May a decorated maypole gets placed. Who climbs the highest?
Summer Solstice
Lights will be inflamed on the summits of the mountains.
Corpus Christi
Is a religious festival in June. There is a parade of the first communion children and the local associations.
herb consecration
On the day before 15th of August tufts from 7 - 9 different herbs will be tied to a bunch and consecrated the next day.
Is a religious festival in the fall. In thanks of the good harvest the rural youth binds a harvest crown.
Harvest Festival
Consists of a variety of events from late August to late October. The Harvest Festival is very special in our region.
Christmas time
crib exhibition
Other traditional events in Lofer
farmer theatre